Refund Policy

Thank you for using CareerLinkPost. This Refund Policy outlines our guidelines regarding refunds for any paid services or products obtained through the website ("Website"). Please read this policy carefully before making any purchases. By using our services and making a payment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this refund policy.

  1. Eligibility for Refunds: a. Subscription Services: If you have purchased a subscription service from CareerLinkPost, you may be eligible for a refund if you meet the specified criteria outlined in this policy. Please note that certain services or products may have specific refund conditions, and these will be communicated to you at the time of purchase. b. One-time Services or Products: Some services or products available on the Website may be one-time purchases, such as resume review or career counseling. Refunds for these services will be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering factors such as service delivery, satisfaction, and any guarantees or commitments made at the time of purchase.

  2. Refund Requests: a. Time Limit: Refund requests must be made within a specified time frame after the purchase. This time frame may vary depending on the service or product. b. Submission of Request: To request a refund, you must contact our customer support team through the designated channels provided on the Website. Please provide all necessary details, including your name, contact information, order number, and reason for the refund request. c. Documentation: In some cases, additional documentation or evidence may be required to support your refund request.

  3. Refund Evaluation: a. Evaluation Process: Refund requests will be evaluated by CareerLinkPost based on the specific circumstances and the terms of the service or product purchased. We reserve the right to determine eligibility for a refund at our sole discretion. b. Refund Approval: If your refund request is approved, we will process the refund within a reasonable time frame. The refund amount may be subject to deductions, such as transaction fees or any services or products already provided to you. c. Refund Denial: If your refund request is not approved, we will provide you with a detailed explanation for the denial. We may offer alternative solutions or options to address any concerns you may have.

  4. Non-refundable Items: a. Certain services or products may be non-refundable. This includes but is not limited to digital downloads, access to premium content, or services that have been fully rendered at the time of the refund request.

  5. Third-Party Services: a. CareerLinkPost may partner with third-party service providers for certain services or products offered on the Website. In such cases, the refund policies of the respective third parties may apply. We will communicate any applicable refund conditions to you at the time of purchase.

  6. Changes to the Refund Policy: a. CareerLinkPost reserves the right to modify or update this Refund Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective upon posting on the Website.

Please contact our customer support team through the designated channels on the Website if you have any questions or need assistance regarding refunds.

Last updated: 11 June 2023

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